2018 shop steward seminars

Facilitators Kathy Peters, Susan Fisher and Louise Aubertin from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services
challenged our shop stewards this year with an in-depth look at the grievance procedure. Using real arbitration
case scenarios provided by Bryan Savage, director of Teamsters 213 Legal Department, attendees were asked
to look at grievance administration, investigation and resolution as well as the impact of going to arbitration.

The seminar was highly interactive and stewards were thoroughly engaged working together on the challenges
they face not only by being on the front lines but also in their own individual perceptions. The seminar took a critical
look at grievance handling and best practices as well as steward’s rights, restrictions and responsibilities.

2019 Shop Steward Seminars
Kelowna – Sept. 14
Vancouver – Sept. 28
Prince George – Oct. 4