BC Building Trades call to action

April 24 letter from BCBT Executive Director Tom Sigurdson

Brothers and Sisters,

As you are likely aware the four crafts involved in pipeline construction have started a public awareness campaign regarding the potential Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain project (KM TMX). Negotiations for the KM TMX work have not gone as had been hoped and the four crafts are now wanting to put some pressure on Kinder Morgan to see if public pressure might cause them to reconsider the project work.

The campaign would like all Building Trades supporters to log into Thunderclap in order to coordinate timed tweets from your Facebook and twitter accounts ( it’s easy !!!).

We need to get 100 people to sign up by Wednesday of this week and this will help draw attention to the important campaign in advance of the Leaders’ Televised Election Debate Wednesday evening.

Please ask your staff, your family, your apprentices, and anyone else you can think of to log into Thunderclap and sign up for this important campaign.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Tom Sigurdson, Executive Director
BC Building Trades Council