BC Labour Board Rules IKEA commits unfair labour practices


For Immediate Release:                                             

July 25, 2014

British Columbia Labour Board rules IKEA commits unfair labour practices and orders damages to be paid

The Labour Relations Board on July 24, 2014 ruled that IKEA is in breach of the BC Labour Relations Code. The LRB Decision found that IKEA has bargained in bad faith and committed unfair labour practices.

IKEA bargained directly with employees and through a website posting that offered employees an extra $2.50 an hour, additional unspecified weekend premiums and other enhancements if the employees crossed the picket line to work. Further, the LRB found that IKEA was trying to induce the Union members to abandon the Union and bypass the exclusive bargaining agent rights of the Teamsters Union.  The Labour Board expressly ordered that the Web posting be removed and that IKEA cease paying monetary incentives.

The LRB has ordered IKEA to pay damages as a remedy to the Union for being in violation of the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia.

Teamsters Local 213, Business Representative, Anita Dawson, stated, “We are extremely pleased with this decision. This shows IKEA for what it is; a company which makes billions of dollars a year in profits yet it refuses to negotiate to bring an end to this dispute but is willing to underhandedly pay more than what was in the last offer they gave us.”

IKEA locked its employees out on May 13, 2013, over 14 months ago. There has been no bargaining since December 2013 and IKEA is refusing to negotiate to present.

Dawson also said, “Teamsters Local 213 remains willing to return to bargaining table anytime.”

For the full decision please go to LRB Decisions  

BCLRB No. B136/2014

For further information please contact Anita Dawson, Business Representative, Teamsters 213

604-876-5213 or anita@teamsters213.org.