Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Employers were made aware last year when Bill 14 passed and became a formal section in the Worker’s Compensation Act that harassment and bullying is considered unacceptable workplace conduct. 

On November 1, 2013 all employers in BC must have a workplace harassment and bullying policy in place that includes procedures for reporting and investigating complaints.  In addition, employers must provide training to all their employees and managers so that they can recognize and respond appropriately to this prohibited behaviour. 

Under Work Safe BC’s mandate employers are responsible for managing incidents in their workplaces and now are legally responsible to do so. 

By legislating employers to have their policies, procedures and training in place, Work Safe BC has ensured that negligence will be considered non-compliance with the WCA, resulting in possible fines. 

Harassment and bullying still happen far too often; it is time for employers to step up to this call for action and find ways to make their organizations safer, healthier places to work.

For more information visit WorkSafeBC


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