Georgia Main Food Group – Teamsters on Strike

APRIL 6, 2022 – UPDATE:  

After 5 hard weeks on the picket line Teamsters Local 213  Union Members employed  by  Georgia Main Food Group Limited (formerly HY Louie) ratified a new collective agreement on Monday night, ending  job action which began March 3rd, 2022.   The agreement was reached with the assistance of Mediator Grant McArthur after an  intense day of mediation.  The new contract saw significant improvements in wages  and equality in  health  benefits for all members. Business Agent Jim Loyst who represents the members on strike stated, “The members stood their ground on the picket line, and came together as a collective  in order to take a stance with their employer.  The member’s voted in support of the mediated settlement and will be back at work. It was important for the members to initiate this job action to protect their lively-hood.” In addition Jim Loyst stated , “ he would like to thank the support from fellow Local 213 Businesses Agent’s, Local 213  Executive, and other Teamsters Members, unions, union members, and the public who supported the picket line.

All members will back to work on Friday, April 8th .

Currently 24 Teamsters Local 213 members employed by Georgia Main Food Group Limited (formerly HY Louie) are on the picket line at 4401 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby BC. The members are office workers at the company’s head office who took strike action on March 3rd, 2022, after the Company’s offer was strongly rejected. The members are dedicated hard working employees who are seeking a compensation package that will provide them with financial security for their families.