Shop Steward Seminars

Shop Stewards traveled from across BC to attend our training seminars held in Vancouver and Kelowna.  This year’s training topics covered Duty of Fair Representation and the Supreme Court of Canada’s bottom line on Random Drug Testing.  Teamsters 213 Legal Department tested our Shop Stewards knowledge with an interactive exercise on a case scenario.  Thank you to all our Stewards for their hard work and dedication!


Tony Zarinni & George Olver.  Tree Island Industries, Vancouver, BC
Tony Zarinni & George Olver. Tree Island Industries, Vancouver, BC
Sean Halliday & Erron McShane from WWL.  Vancouver, BC
Sean Halliday & Erron McShane from WWL. Vancouver, BC
Jenny Gaylard, Ira Holland and Scott Taffinder from Fraser Wharves.  Richmond, BC
Jenny Gaylard, Ira Holland and Scott Taffinder from Fraser Wharves. Richmond, BC
IKEA Shop Stewards with Kimm Davis
IKEA Shop Stewards with Kimm Davis
Carly Simpson & Troy McDonald from WESCAN Disposal
Carly Simpson & Troy McDonald from WESCAN Disposal
Daryl Turcotte from DCM Transport.  Interior, BC
Daryl Turcotte from DCM Transport. Interior, BC
Tom Bray (Van Kam).  Interior, BC
Tom Bray (Van Kam). Interior, BC
Peter Aussem
Peter Aussem
Melinda Wornock from Purolator.  Vernon/Kamloops, BC
Melinda Wornock from Purolator. Vernon/Kamloops, BC
Larry Heigh & Dave Palmer.  Castlegar/Trail, BC
Larry Heigh & Dave Palmer. Castlegar/Trail, BC
Kelly Babcock (Kelowna) & Glen Conacher (Salt Spring Freight)
Kelly Babcock (Kelowna) & Glen Conacher (Salt Spring Freight)
Jason Askeland, Mike Deneef (Arrow Transport), Kamloops, BC
Jason Askeland, Mike Deneef (Arrow Transport), Kamloops, BC
Doug Ferguson, Gary Hemville, Dave Grose (Arrow Transport) Kamloops, BC
Doug Ferguson, Gary Hemville, Dave Grose (Arrow Transport) Kamloops, BC