Teamsters support electronic logging devices

Teamsters Canada and trucking organizations want to see the switch from logbooks to electronic logging devices as soon as possible. ELDs synchronize with a vehicle engine to automatically record driving time and hours of service.

Teamsters Canada, which represents more than 15,000 truckers across the country, is urging the federal and provincial governments to publish the regulations by June 2018. It is also calling for the effective regulation of ELDs by December 2019.

Safety is at the heart of Teamsters’ concerns. Quickly implementing electronic logging devices will prevent some trucking companies from breaking hours of service regulations and falsifying paper records. These electronic devices will improve the road safety record while ensuring that all truckers take the rest they are entitled to.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) and Teamsters Canada support Transport Canada’s efforts to create a regulatory proposal that, outside of some minor technical clarifications, has the full support of the major trucking stakeholder groups in Canada.

A high percentage of the Canadian fleet has already transitioned because of U.S. regulations.