Teamsters working in the Interior

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Food Factory shows how Teamsters make SunRype fruit leather

Several Teamster members working at SunRype in Kelowna are featured in the first 6.5 minutes of an episode of Food Factory showing how the company makes fruit leather. The fast-paced, quirky show begins with trucks delivering crates of  Okanagan-grown apples and then shows how the apples are washed, the puree is made, the product is manufactured and finally how it’s packaged.


Foreman Darin Woods with 23 years at the
Centennial Foods plant in Kelowna.

Shipper/receiver Tang Dinh has worked at
Centennial Foods for 19 years.

Teamster members Martin French and Marla Sapach
work at the Bread Basket outlet in Kelowna.

Wayne Marshall working at the front counter for Praxair. 

Shop steward William Richardson works with dry ice,
an important product for many Interior industries.