Today in labour history

Today in labour history – May 13, 2013


IKEA locks out its Richmond, British Columbia location Teamsters Local 213 members on May 13, 2013 to force major concessions on its workers.

Since the start of the labour dispute, IKEA has been in breach of the law for using replacement workers.  35 scabs crossed the picket line (a violation of a fundamental principle of the union movement) all were found in breach of the Unions constitution and bylaws and expelled from the Union.

In November 2013, an international fact-finding commission from UNI Global Union and the International Transport Workers’ Federation came to Vancouver to meet with the union, interview IKEA workers, and hold a public hearing. The commission’s report states:  IKEA Richmond’s management has abandoned the stated values of the ‘IKEA family’ by adopting a radical anti-worker agenda that opposes unionization campaigns and encourages union decertification. The lockout of 350 employees since May 13, 2013 for rejecting a discriminatory wage system and subsequent worker intimidation is not compatible with the ideals and practices espoused in IKEA’s own global standards and it is also certainly out of keeping with the vast majority of labour negotiations, strikes, and lockouts in British Columbia.

IKEA makes billions of dollars a year in profits and is privately owned by the Kamprad family who is one of the richest families in the world.

The lockout continues…

For more information visit:

Teamsters Local 213 Facebook Page

IKEA Lockout Facebook Page

IKEA Hurts Families

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